It is finished!
The "hallowed halls" of Liedhegener logistics are on the verge of "initiation". To stay in the sacred language, one might assume that now the altar and sacristy are built. However, this intermediate level in the warehouse will be used as additional warehouse space. Also "on the second floor" new social and office space arises. In already mounted high-bay, the first pallet spaces are assigned. Day after day, the logistics center is filled more and more with everything that has to be handled for clients across Europe. So it will be exciting when the capacity limits are reached.
What's going on " im Dümpel"?
This question is asked by so many who drove in the last few weeks through Sundern commercial area.
The built just 2 years ago Liedhegener-warehouse gets "junior"! And it is not a small "expansion shed"! 2,000 square meters of logistics space to ensure that even in 2016 the requirements and needs of the customers can be served without restriction. In February, the trucks will dock at the new ramps. The Liedhegener logistics center in Sundern is growing and is getting ready for the future.
Full service for maximum efficiency
31 years ago, founded by Berthold Liedhegener, the family business based in Sundern has grown continuously and has an excellent reputation as a partner of many regional companies developed.
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Quelle: Südwestfalenmanager 04/15

MegaSport 2015
Once a year the town Sundern to epi-center of mountain bikers.
At the event Megasport 2015, SKS drivers rallied on Liedhegener-trailers, which, as every year, in the start area has its regular place.
Congratulations to all SKS-riders and drivers - great performance!

ADAC Truck-Grand-Prix 2012 – The success story is going on.
The spectacle could not even be influenced neither by rain nor by cool temperatures: even at the 27th edition of ADAC Truck-Grand-Prix all participants – no matter if drivers or fans - kept on continuing the success story of this long established event. And Liedhegener logistics took part with 5 trucks. A great experience.

The LL-Tower
keeps on growing
The new Liedhegener logistics centre is taking more and more shape. The roof is close, the facade is installed and the docking stations are well recognizable. The final completion is longed for with high pressure, as the current warehousing space is reaching its limits on a daily basis and more space is urgently needed.
Air pumps on tour
The market leader of air pumps and other cycling accessories has been trusting in the reliability of Liedhegener logistics for many years now. This strong relationship is also clearly visible on Europe's streets since the 18th of June 2012. A brand new trailer from Schwarzmüller is designed in the corporate SKS design. This trailer can ship 36 palette spaces with about 65.000 SKS articles at the same time.